

Some people are lukewarm on music… and that’s fine. There are plenty of other worthwhile things out there to focus on, so more power to them. I obviously am not one of these people. For me, there are few experiences in life that top the thrill of being totally immersed in a great song. While claiming to “live for something” may sound cliché, I can truthfully say that I feel the most alive when I am listening to my favorite music. Over the years, I’ve discovered that house and techno is the music that speaks to me most consistently.

Cool, but why start a blog?

I created Always On because I enjoy sharing music with others almost as much as I love discovering it for myself. It’s been that way for as long as I can remember. I actually had a two-foot stack of blank CDs on my desk in middle school because I burned so many mixes for friends. While I no longer burn CDs, people still frequently ask me to share my playlists. One day it hit me that creating a blog would be a simpler and more creative alternative to the nightmare of sharing large volumes of music in the age of competing streaming services. One thing led to another, and here we are.

Whether you’re in the same boat as me, or simply passing through, I hope you enjoy the music. I am constantly frustrated by how many mediocre songs I have to wade through before finding something refreshing or worth permanently adding to my library. One of my chief goals in creating Always On is to spare you this legwork, and allow you to skip straight to the good stuff.

For the time being, I’m adding most new content to the Genre Collections libraries and their corresponding playlists. You’ll find that each collection has a distinct mood, which you’ll get a feel for after 1-2 songs. I plan to add additional genres in the future, as well as video compilations and full-length mixes. If you have any feedback or song recommendations, leave a comment or follow me on Instagram (@alwaysonmusic). I’m always down to connect with other music lovers.

Thanks for stopping by Always On.
